Flea and Worm | Hale Vets
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Flea and Worm Treatment

Keeping up to date with flea and worm treatment is an important part of preventative healthcare for your pet.

Flea bites can cause itchiness and discomfort as well as transmitting other parasites, such as tapeworm. Some animals can become allergic to flea bites, resulting in severe itching and hair loss, called flea allergic dermatitis.

Heavy worm infestations can cause illness in dogs, and intestinal worms can be passed to humans, so it is particularly important to worm your dog regularly if you have small children.

Puppies are more susceptible to worms than adult dogs, so it is recommended to worm them frequently.

To remain within prescribing law we are unable to refer to specific products here. But rest assured, we stock the latest products, combining extreme efficacy with pet safety and ease of administration. We are happy to chat and work out what will work best for you and your pet.

We recommend that rabbits are treated every 10 weeks, during spring and summer, to help prevent blowfly strike. Your vet or vet nurse can help with this.